We think that just because you have children doesn’t mean you can’t have a romantic Valentine’s day. Our child-friendly Valentine’s lunch is perfect for couples with kids. A delicious meal, in a romantic setting for you. With toys, activities and movies to give the kids a day to remember too!
In Scotland, Valentine’s Day is big with the kids. Making cards at school and writing poems or rhymes in them is commonplace. So, we thought we would create an event that gives their parents a touch of romance. And at the same time, the kids can have a whale of a time watching movies and playing.
For you and your love
For the kids
Sound good? This child-friendly Valentine’s lunch takes place on the 17th of February. Tickets cost £45 per adult and £15 per child and table seatings are available from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm.
You can book via emailing us or call us. So, get the date in your diary and get your table booked!